25 Feb Meet the Community Manager!
So what do you DO exactly at MKE CoWork?
I’m the “Community Manager.” I like to instead say “Community Development Manager” because my role focuses on the development of the people, the occupancy and the role the coworking space plays within the city of West Allis. I help cultivate a welcoming space for all people to work out of and see value in. Sales are of course a part of it, but as the saying goes, “if you build it they will come.”
What is your favorite thing about coworking?
Connecting people and making new friends. When I get home I’m an introvert, but outside I am a social butterfly always wanting to network with others. How can I leverage what I have and who I know to help someone?
What are your goals for MKE CoWork in 2021?
I’d love to fill the office spaces up by the spring. I also want to diversify the space with more industries and start-ups! We have a ton of cool events planned out for this year so I’d love to see them through!
What do people think is weird about you?
Too many things! I think the “weirdest” would be that I like dead things. I collect taxidermy, bones and other eclectic “decor.”
Where are you from?
Yale, Michigan. Home of the Bologna Festival. I moved here for college in 2015 and have been stuck here like glue ever since!
Are you usually early or late to things?
A queen is never late! Everyone is just early 🙂
What is something you can never seem to finish?
The book(s) I’m writing.
Who are four people, living or dead, you’d like to share a meal with?
Diana Gabaldon,Vincent Van Gogh, Abbie Hoffman and Guillermo Del Toro.
Did you ever have a favorite teacher– why were they your favorite?
I’ve had a lot of influential teachers in my life. Mrs. Florence Ruhmann was my fourth grade teacher. She amplified my love for reading, writing and public speaking. She was the most eccentric person I’d ever met. Secondly would be my marketing professor from college, Dr. Donald Kudek. He taught me alot about business and life- a mentor I still cherish today.
What’s your favorite book or podcast? Or both?
My favorite book is “The Power of One” by Bryce Courtenay. I enjoy podcasts about true crime, folklore, myths and legends. I really love “Lore” by Aaron Mahnke and “Last Podcast on the Left (NSFW lol).”
What word do you always mispronounce?
Interdisciplinary. Don’t make me spell it either.
When was the last time you changed your opinion/belief about something major?
I used to think you had to work yourself to death to succeed- grind, grind, grind. Now I understand that success is what you make it.
Where’s your go-to for lunch by MKE CoWork?
I have two favorites: Camino for their marvelous, otherworldly brussel sprouts. OR to Urban Joe’s for a chicken salad sandwich.
What board game are you absolutely amazing at?
Othello. I’m beatable- but I’m good.
What animal do you think most closely matches your personality?
I don’t know one animal in particular, but my chihuahua Rosie and I have similar personalities. She’s more human than dog. She’s spunky, likes to eat, sleep and watch movies. I’d say we’re basically twins.
What could you give a 30-minute presentation about with no advance preparation?
Softball, specifically the catcher’s position. I played travel fastpitch growing up and a bit in college. Now I coach travel softball every Saturday and Sunday morning.
Are you more productive in the mornings, afternoons or evenings? Why?
I’m most productive at ungodly hours at night. I think my best work is between 10:00pm-2:00am. I believe in a “create-your-own” time schedule.